• react@noa.gr

  • Call Us:+30 210 81 09 182

The purpose of InDust, a COST-funded International Network, is to provide research and assist the sectors of society that are affected by airborne mineral dust

The purpose of InDust , a COST-funded International Network, is to provide research and assist the sectors of society that are affected by airborne mineral dust.

 A first summary of the properties and effects of desert dust on climate and human health is given in the following video. A special thank you for the production and scientific support to CAN-HelP and Yota Assimakopoulou, to GAPfilmingteam and Stavros Niarchos Foundation for the support through their donation to National Observatory of Athens .

About Us

ReACT stands for “Remote sensing of Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases”, to describe the research focus of the respective research team led by Dr. Vassilis Amiridis. ReACT consists of highly motivated scientists within the field of Atmospheric Sciences, combining a number of Post-doc researchers, Ph.D. and M.Sc. students as well as other research and technical staff, using the resources, infrastructure and experience of the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS).

Address :

Vas.Sofias 79

Phone :

+30 210 81 09 182



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