• react@noa.gr

  • Call Us:+30 210 81 09 182

"The 'Eye' of Antikythera and Etna" an article on the PANGEA-ReACT Infrastructure

"For over a year now, in the middle of the Mediterranean, a pioneer research effort has been evolving, with growth trends and a broader substantial contribution. In recent months, the Antikythera station has been in the early stages of operation, namely the PANhellenic GEophysical observatory of Antikythera (PANGEA), which was established by the National Observatory of Athens. An advanced and innovative observatory that "looks" at aerosol transport and climate parameters over a wide range of the Mediterranean, providing valuable information both for our country and for the international community."



Read more: https://www.kathimerini.gr/1037907/gallery/epikairothta/perivallon/to-mati-twn-antiky8hrwn-kai-h-aitna?fbclid=IwAR2RiXH97IMQL4nHSWA14lNj-75Up7DpO_a1spmwPMtMhs2kNTl96d0NlDU

About Us

ReACT stands for “Remote sensing of Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases”, to describe the research focus of the respective research team led by Dr. Vassilis Amiridis. ReACT consists of highly motivated scientists within the field of Atmospheric Sciences, combining a number of Post-doc researchers, Ph.D. and M.Sc. students as well as other research and technical staff, using the resources, infrastructure and experience of the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS).

Address :

Vas.Sofias 79

Phone :

+30 210 81 09 182



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