Full Name |
Stelios Kazadzis |
Stelios Kazadzis (SK) has 20 years of experience in basic and applied research in Atmospheric Physics. He studied Physics, MSc on atmospheric and environmental Physics and a PhD on solar radiation measurements and applications. He currently has the position of the Senior researcher at the PMODWRC leading the world optical depth research and calibration center. SK has received two Marie Curie grants as fellow and one as PI and has working experience in solar and atmospheric composition measurements and modeling. (Aristotle Un. of Thessaloniki (2002-2007), Greece, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland (2007-2009), Joint Research Center, Italy (2001-2002) and the National Observatory of Athens, Greece (2010-2015).
SK is a member of the WMO scientific advisory group for Aerosols, the WMO Expert team of measurement quality and an International Radiation Committee member. Since 2000, SK has participated in 38 (11 as PI) funded, 23 (7) European and 15 (4) national (Greek and Swiss) projects. He is a member of the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics editorial board and is an active reviewer in more than 15 scientific journals. He is the PI of the Solar Energy forecasting System (nextSENSE), and provides consulting services for solar energy projects. SK has supervised 6 doctoral theses (3 completed) and has teaching experience in postgraduate programs. He has 115 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals (3150 citations , h index = 34 / Web of science 11/2020) and more than 150 publications in international conferences.