Full Name |
Christos Spyrou |
Telephone |
2103490071 |
Office |
Leoforos Vasilissis Sofias/ESR Room |
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Christos Spyrou (DS) got his degree in Physics from the Department of Physics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) in 2002. On 2004 he got his Master’s Degree on Environmental Physics and Meteorology from NKUA and on 2011 he successfully defended his PhD thesis on the feedback of dust on radiative transfer. Since then he has been working as a post-doc Researcher. He has worked in the framework of 18 Projects funded by the EU and the Greek Government as a Senior Researcher. He has 25 original publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and an h-index of 11 (407 citations, excluding self-citations. Source: Scopus). He has more than 40 publications in conference proceedings and international workshops. He is the co-author of 3 book chapters on desert dust and the radiative feedbacks of aerosols and he is a reviewer in 18 international scientific journals. On 2018 he became an Editor for the “International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis”. In 2018 he was assigned the teaching of the “Climate Change” course in the Geography Department of Harokopio University of Athens. |